It is on those sleepless nights that you feel most creative and alive. It is in these hours, while most are unconscious to your racing thoughts, that you feel that you are finally on your own and free to think most about what you need. Clarity is finally arrived and the bold courage to take the leap from thoughts to words to here in the public eye, where the world can see the haunting memories, crazy ideas, and the restless thoughts of the semi damaged.
It has been a while since I have chosen to write. Mostly time has slipped through my fingers and kept me away, but there have been moments where I have sat down with a pen unsure of what to say or how to phrase in words that all would understand. My mind is racing all the time of things that need to be said.. Majority coming out the wrong way or at the wrong moment, fearing that I will not have another moment to speak from my heart. Others just putting it in ways that no one will begin to understand the thought process of damaged. Feeling weak if you see these words, feeling vulnerable for the world to see, constantly battling with myself as to where my mind and priorities should be verses where my mind actually is. Always on love. Not the love in romance novels, but the love that can be found anywhere, from anyone in that moment of wonder and grace. Always with hope. Looking for something that can keep the world looking optimistic and searching for all the good. Always trying to see the world in a better light. This world is a dark place, but we must always be looking for the things that bring light to it.
So much to say tonight and yet unsure of how to put it all into words that can begin to explain this racing heart tonight. It is in these moments I am semi afraid to see what I will say, the truth that I will admit and the things I have believed for so long that I know are so false. It is in these moments I feel like I will truly expose the person that I am and I will not be happy with it, because of the choices I continue to make, the patterns I continue to follow rather than break and the moments where I know I should have just walked away, instead of relying on my faith. So to begin the restless thoughts of the moment:
From the one who woke me up tonight with a simple, "Hello". Unexpected, unnerving, yet bold. So many goodbyes have been said, yet you come back into my life one too many unexpectedly and unwelcomed. It is unappreciated, yet my heart knows it is okay. I have seen through the errors in both his and my ways and his line of reasoning for the things he does. While it throws me for a curve ball every time it happens, it amuses me that I, the one you say caused you the "most heartbreak you have ever felt in your life", am the one that you always run back to. You, my first love and truly first earth shattering heartbreak, with years of abuse on this heart, always find a way to walk back into my life. It may be only for brief moments, but the thought that I always come across your mind somewhat calms me, considering the heartache that you had caused me for years. It will never be how it was, it should have never gotten as far as it had, but the things that I still continue to learn from you and what we had amazes me everyday and for that I am grateful. The only way you truly know you have surpassed a difficult moment is life is when you can look back on it and say, "I am glad God gave me the choice to be there and guided me through the pain, to make me that much more stronger of a person."
To the one who just sneaked into my life and let me get caught up in the madness. It has been a fun few weeks, experiencing something that I was unsure I would ever feel again. We both may have been on two separate pages, not being able to see things eye to eye, but it is better this way. The person that you are is appealing and amusing, but not where I need to be right now. There is always going to be something that for you and all your weird ways, but there is something more I need right now and I feel strongly that you need sometime to see the world in a different light. While you are a great asset to where I am right now and the time we spend together is all the more fun because of your presence, you are not the person I need. You are the person I was two years ago.. Ready for reckless fun, adventure and hungover days spent looking for coffee and struggling to get through. I have grown into a person that is ready to move on with adult life and say goodbye to some, not all, childish ways and you are just beginning. You sir truly as a great person that I need in my life, just not in the same way.
And then it comes to you.. It always comes back to you.. The one that can simply disappear and reappear in my life every so often to throw off the winds of my course and change the path I am trying to make. It is difficult to see the errors in my ways with the hazy judgement that you give me, making me feel reckless with what we have and the decisions that I make. Love is an understatement to the feelings I have for you, yet it seems as though it is disregarded or unnoticed. I may be wrong when it comes to saying those things, but from an outsider perspective, I look like a fool. Everyone has their own relationships and own love, yet every single time I speak of us I get "the look". The look that tells you, "You poor girl, you are getting played", "You dumb girl you are a fool", "You idiot, he is using you up and building himself up..". You tell me to "run" every time we speak, you tell me that you will "hurt" me, you tell me that you are "no good" for me.. Yet I have spent the last six years (Six, as harsh and unreal as that may sound) waiting for you.. Rephrase, chasing you. Rephrase again, running after you like there is no tomorrow. For six years, I have been hurt by the things you have said and the disappearing acts that you done. For six years I have known you were absolutely no good for me and this toxic energy that I needed to remove from my life, yet I have chased you. Waiting for that moment when you would see that this is not a game to me, but that you were this person that I needed to be with, needed to help, needed to love me back. Six years I have watched you choose girl after girl over me, yet always coming back to me. Always finding yourself with someone else, yet still looking for my attention and comfort. I not only watched to look over my feelings for you, I have been with you as you were in the process of moving on to the next one, with no warning, explanation or choice. So many times I have blamed myself, for the things I had said, for the way that I look, even changing things about the person I was, just trying to fit your mold of what I felt you thought was the "perfect girl". Frustration, grief and the mere fact of stupidity has taken over me so many times, yet my heart, optimism and faith in you always rooting for you when no one else was, telling me to give you one more try. And all at once, it falls short and I am left to pick up the pieces and wait for you to reappear, needing attention and comfort from someone you know will give it. Yet I am alone. Alone with my thoughts. Alone with the idea that something more could still happen if I try a little harder to achieve the things that you want. Try a little harder at making you know that I am here for you when you need someone to talk to. Try a little harder at keeping my faith in you. Yet, I sit here alone. Remembering all of your drunken words and how most, if not all were lies. Remembering the times that you walked away when I needed a helping hand. Remembering all the times that you have left me alone with all these racing thoughts.
As I watch the sun rise and my eye lids begin to grow heavy, I know that this is somewhat of a release that was needed. Something to take the world off my shoulders and know that I am better than I was, stronger than I thought and more brave than I will ever know. It is these thoughts in my mind that cloud my judgement and make days difficult to focus on something other than the mystery of the male species. It is not just as if love is the only thing on a girl's mind, but having someone love her back, well that is just a greater joy in life that seek, but not all get to reap in. These are not just words or random thoughts that fill my mind, but a constant struggle for finding clarity and also trying to find who I truly am. For the first time in a long time, I feel okay.
Good night all. Good morning all.
This is the last straw she said
And I won't wait for you forever
While you run around like JFK
You watched that poor girl
Waste the best years of her life
And I'll be damned if I am going out
I will not go out that way!
--Jack's Mannequin - The Last Straw