Monday, December 16, 2013

Creeper Alert.

Whenever you become newly single, does it seem that you become a magnet for every "odd-ball" out there? From the boy that you didn't know in high school that now finds you "beautiful", to the guy that you think is going to change every time you go months without talking, but is still the same jerk he was before. Even the complete stranger in the grocery store that doesn't look like he has showered for a week, but would love to take you out for chicken nuggets or a beer at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. It is like you have a big sign on your forehead that says, "Newly single and looking for love. Will accept ANY applications", yet you want to promote your own sign with a big finger.
So what is a single girl supposed to do with a creeper? Freshly single, depressing over the one guy that you do want that doesn't want you versus all of this "unique" guys that would love to get to get to know you in one way or another, it seems like an endless battle of thinking that there is not a single, normal guy out there for you. When it comes down to it, you just have to be optimistic. You have to be patient. You have to breathe. And sometimes you just have to sit back and enjoy the funny creeper stories over drinks with friends and push on to the next one. If anything, take it as a compliment. A very odd, slightly ego boosting compliment. Yes, you might have a creeper on your hands, but he took time out of his day to say something nice about you. While you could be having a jerk on your hands saying something rude, you just had something semi nice happen to you. Just smile and use that for later when you are having a low moment. Do not take advantage of that creeper either and PLEASE do not settle on that creeper, thinking that is all that is left in the world. You might be single for a while, but there is no need to settle on this "odd-ball" because you do not think that there is nothing better out there. There is something good, you just have to be patient and wait for it.
My experience with creepers have never been the "best" experiences, but I always do seem to have the best creeper stories or attract the most interesting sets of men. In the recent weeks since becoming single, it is like every "odd-ball" who has seen my "single status" has decided that they would make the best match for me. Today alone I had two "creeper moments". First creeper story: As I was running across the street into a store, I had a man yell out of his car at me, "Damn baby you look good!" While I said out loud to the lady that was standing next the store, "Did that really just happen?" and had a giggle moment with her, I proceeded on with my day like it was nothing, until that man walked into the store that I was in (Mind you, it was Bath & Body Works, not very likely a man is going to be shopping there for no reason). He browsed around, left, then came back in when he saw I wasn't leaving too quick. While I was checking out he got in line behind me and was standing entirely too close. The woman asked for my phone number, told her no thank you and wouldn't you know creeper said, "Aw that is a shame, how about you give that number to me instead?!" I laughed and bolted out of that store. Typical creeper who probably didn't even realize he was being extremely creepy, but enough for me to be on edge and avoid that creepy man the rest of the time while I was shopping. Second creeper story: While in Walmart (Of course) I was walking down an aisle when a man who had no idea where he was, what he was doing, probably hadn't ever heard of a bath in his life, didn't realize I was trying to walk past him. I tried to scoot around him and he turned, almost crashing into me with all his bathing products (Shocking). I apologized and he proceeded to say, "Oh sweetie don't apologize, I should say I am sorry I didn't turn around sooner to run into the Luck of the Irish! That would have been my luckiest day in the world!" At that point I couldn't hold back laughing and neither could the others in the aisle with us. Clearly the man was nothing to worry about, but it was an odd and funny ego boost for the day. Sometimes that is what you have to do: Laugh it off and know that something better will be coming soon.
Just remember, be patient and wait for what you deserve.
Repeat Song of the Week:
"Slow Me Down" - Sara Evans. I have always been a fan of songs that have a strong female behind it and with lyrics that hit close to home. This song is motivational when it comes to feeling strong and knowing that you hold the power when it comes to you.

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